9 Tips For A Healthier Happier You
We all want to be healthier and happier, right? It’s a universal truth.
But here’s the thing, we are all so different. What works for me doesn’t necessarily work for you. There is no one size fits all. Ultimately, we have to weave our own fabric.
Here are 9 easy peasy tips to use as idea starters. A prompt for you to take stock of your life today. Try the ideas that resonate with you, that fit your needs and lifestyle. Pick and choose to your heart’s delight.
The key is to be in tune with yourself - honest about where you are, how you feel, and what’s needed next. Take one day at a time. Keep at it. Watch your progress with intention!
Being healthy and happy is a journey, not a destination. So take it easy and make gradual sustainable shifts.
drink more water
This is obvious but it really takes a concentrated effort. It’s a daily struggle to get enough water, all day long. How much water do you need? There are many different opinions on how much water you should be drinking every day. Many health authorities commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember. This should be taken as a guideline, not a rule, as some people may need more due to the amount of water loss through activity, ambient temperature, weight, age, and myriad other factors.
Your body consists of around 60% of water. This alone proves the importance of hydration throughout the day.
When I wake up, the first thing that goes into my body is a big glass of water. Warm it up if you’d like, squeeze a lemon in or add a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar. This will get your hydration going and give your liver a detox flush right out of the gate.
create a healthy sleep routine
How much sleep do you need? Again, everyone is different, so you should experiment with it. Shoot for a solid 7-8 hours per night as a guideline. Find your sweet spot, and honor it.
There’s a ton to know about sleep hygiene. Like getting off of screens an hour or two before bedtime. Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day. Leaving a gap between bedtime and rigorous exercise. As a life-long-sleep-struggled person, I’ve got a whole host of sleep remedies. For more visit my blog on HOT TIPS FOR BETTER SLEEP.
track three full days of eating
Tracking your food intake for just three days can change everything. Use an app if you’d like such as MyFitnessPal. It’s super easy to use. That’ll give you lots of interesting information. I’m not a fan of calorie counting regularly, but the point here is to get a general snapshot and specific nutritional information about protein, carbs, and more. Alternatively, go old school and write it down for yourself. You’ll definitely learn something valuable.
One rule: track literally everything.
Awareness of what you’re eating can jumpstart your unhealthy eating habits into healthy eating habits. It’s called mindful eating. Try it!
make exercise fun
Exercising shouldn’t feel like a dreaded obligation; it should be fun! It doesn’t have to be Olympic-style training or any kind of big ordeal. Not in the slightest!
Make exercise a part of your everyday routine by applying simple tweaks to your life:
• Walk to work instead of commuting
• Instead of TV, walk the dog or take a walk with family
• Park waaaay across the parking lot at the grocery store and wherever you go
• Use a standing/treadmill desk instead of a regular desk
sit less
I’m sure you’ve noticed all the recent studies on this one. It’s surprisingly important. Sitting time increases the chance all kinds of nefarious health woes. If you exercise but sit a lot, you’re still subject to these woes. So get off that chair and move around.
Set a timer for every 25 minutes and make sure you walk around for 5 minutes. It’s simple, minimize the time you spend sitting! Do it!
get more vitamin N(ature)
Another great principle is to stay as close to nature as possible. Sounds simple but it isn’t that easy in our world today. Unless we are intentional. There are two categories I’ll touch on here (but it’s bigger): food and outdoors.
This means eating less processed foods, more organic foods, more plants and nuts.
Aim for eating more fruits, nuts and vegetables instead of cheese, cereals, bacon, etc. If this looks like a daunting task, switch out one thing at a time. Like avocado instead of bacon with breakfast one week. I could go on endlessly on this topic. I’m a nutritional cook for this very reason.
Also, spend more time in nature. Folks tend to look at this as a “nice to have” rather than a “need to have”. Please don’t pass this one over. Sure, you’ll get more vitamin D because of the sunlight, but it’s more than that. Time spent outdoors will lift your spirits and change your overall outlook for the better. There’s perspective and grounding out there among the earth, trees, and sky. There’s tons of pros here.
love yourself
There’s a close relationship between mental health and physical health. So, loving yourself more by talking positively to yourself or having more love in your life boosts everything. Make yourself a priority. Take time for yourself. Schedule the important things for YOU. Once a week make a date with yourself to do something you love. For me it’s visiting art museums, going to poetry readings, sometimes it’s a massage. What do you love?
To get this going, find a quiet moment and brainstorm some ideas. Many of us have scheduled ourselves so solidly that we’ve forgotten our hobbies, what we love to do, and how to spend time alone. So journal some ideas on a note pad, then get out your calendar. You’ll thank me later for this one.
plan meals in a new order
People usually tend to plan a meal in the order of: Protein, Carbohydrates and, lastly, Vegetables.
Doing this in another order makes sure you put more veggies on your plate and fewer carbs. Make sure you fill half or more of your plate with vegetables and feel the benefits such as:
• Reducing the risk of heart disease including heart strokes and attacks
• Protection against certain types of cancers
• Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes
• Weight loss
Try it next time you put a meal together!
explore new hobbies
Being happy can mean something different for each individual. What is certain though is that enjoying your time will undoubtedly lead to greater happiness. Also, new hobbies mean learning new things. Taking risks. Activating your right and left brain in new ways. New hobbies open up new ways of thinking, often lead to new friends. Explore your options. There are so many things you can try. Don’t hesitate. Don’t think it’s too late. Pick up a new hobby
I’ll end where I began - each and every one of us is supremely different. Unique. So toss out all of those pre-packaged notions of how to eat, how to exercise, and how being busy all the time with work is a badge of honor. Step back. Take responsibility for your health and happiness by crafting your own style of living. I hope some of these easy ideas help spark more of your own ideas.
I’m a full-time Health Coach and Nutritional Cook and work with my clients on these kinds of topics daily. If you’d like help with your journey let me know. I offer a complimentary session. Don’t be shy.