Are Your Candles Toxic?

Diesel fuel exhaust, you say? That caught my attention, and I wanted to share what I learned.

I’ve loved my candles. The cozy scents. Turn down the lights, enjoy the gentle flicker of candle flames. It’s romantic. It’s a pamper surrounding a warm bath.


Here’s the skinny.

Many candle wicks contain heavy metals which when burned, become airborne and easily inhaled. Not good.

Even worse...Many candles both scented and unscented are made with toxic paraffin wax that gives off dangerous vapors like benzene and toluene – the same vapors found in diesel fuel exhaust! Yikes, I say. Yikes.


Not only that, scented candles often contain artificial scents and dyes that when burned, release even more harmful chemicals into the air causing an array of hormonal, behavioral, and general health-related issues.

WHAT?!? I know, this isn’t good news. But it’s not the end of the world - with a little know how and some alternatives, we’re all good!

Be discerning if you’d like to burn candles. Check your labels! If you’re buying pure beeswax or those made with 100% natural waxes like coconut, hemp, or soy, chances are they’re probably just fine!

Better yet, if you aren’t diffusing essential oils, I highly recommend it. It’s a delightful way to soften your environment and enhance your mood.

Diffusing offers a safe alternative to candles as well as holistic health benefits to your wellbeing. 

Using an essential oil diffuser to naturally scent your home is an incredibly effective and healthy way to enjoy the scents you love. I have diffusers scattered about my house!

There are near endless options that aid your overall well-being including sleep, mood, energy, digestion, immune system....and more.

As for sleep ....


Certain essential oils like cedar wood, lavender, valerian, sweet orange, and roman camomile have the ability to exert a powerful calming effect on the mind and body through their influence on the limbic region of the brain. Diffusing these oils 20-30 minutes before bedtime is known to dramatically improve and support the body’s natural sleep cycles and combat sleep issues like insomnia, racing thoughts, and stress. Enjoy!

Read your labels and buy high quality 100% pure oils!

Beth Howard